let’s do the time warp…again

As you know by now, the point of our blog is to achieve certain goals before we turn 30, which seems like kind of a big milestone. But I think as we go forward on our 30th year, it’s kind of fun to see where we’ve come from, something I’ve been thinking about lately. And I think that my childhood books play a large part of that, remembering where I was and who I was when I read them for the first (or 20th) time. I finally got these unpacked! Look how pretty they are:


You don’t see the Laura Ingalls Wilder books because they will have a special place, but I’m excited to have the rest of these friends out and not stuck in a box. Particularly, I would like to point out the Princess Diaries book by Meg Cabot, because on Tuesday Meg Cabot released another Princess Diaries book after six years, and even better, it’s a book for adults.

What I think is kind of random and cool about the Princess Diaries books is that I have bought pretty much every book on its release day, including the newest. It’s kind of crazy to think about how much has changed since I started doing that.

It used to be that they would come out during spring break and I would get them and read them while I was out of school. The last book was released while I was on my first (and only…) work trip, and I bought it and read it on the plane home. And on Tuesday, I bought the book while carting my 17-month-old around in a stroller. Crazy, right?

Now hopefully I get a chance to read it with that whole 17-month-old thing…

our valentine’s day library


There’s nothing like moving to show you how much stuff you actually have. And because Nathan and I are voracious readers, we have a ton of books. Like 26 boxes full. (Yes I know that because we haven’t unpacked them yet.) And each year, we add to the collection because we give each other books for Valentine’s Day. So because Valentine’s Day is on Saturday, I thought I’d share the books that make up this particular collection of ours:

Nathan: The Adventures of the Princess and Mr. Whiffle: The Thing Beneath The Bed 
Whitney: Morning Glory and Twisted Sisters

Nathan: City of Ashes, City of Glass, and City of Fallen Angels
Whitney: The Remains of the Day, Rules of Civility, and Me Before You

Nathan: City of Bones, Unwind, and Pathfinder
Whitney: The Night Circus, Anna and The French Kiss, and Walking Back to Happiness

Nathan: This Book Will Change Your Dog’s Life, Why Does My Dog Do That?, and Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel
Whitney: Great House and The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels

Nathan: Lamb and a Huskers trivia book
Whitney: The Believers 

Nathan: The Graveyard Book and James and the Giant Peach
Whitney: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society and The Rim of the Prairie

We even included Broderick into the tradition, adding books to his library this year. My hope is that once we do unpack everything, we can keep this particular collection of books together and displayed in a special way.